Upcoming 2024-25 GPA Training Institute Events
MARCH 7, 2025, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Teaching Students to Use Emotional Regulation: Best Practices for Educators
Featuring Dr. Michael Selbst, BCBA-D, Behavior Therapy Associates, Somerset NJ

Dr. Michael Selbst, BCBA-D
Unmanaged, strong emotions can quickly hijack a situation. With skills and some practice, students – and their teachers – can learn emotional regulation strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and demands.
In this 2-hour virtual program, participants will learn:
- The impact of life’s uncertainties and challenges on their students’ emotional regulation and social emotional learning.
- Concrete strategies to support students’ social emotional needs, including strategies related to present-moment awareness, values identification, executive functioning, and social emotional learning.
- Concrete strategies to foster self-care for themselves and their students and to develop positive relationships with students.
Michael C. Selbst, Ph.D., BCBA-D is the Executive Director of Behavior Therapy Associates. A Licensed Psychologist, Certified School Psychologist, and Board-Certified Behavior Analyst at the Doctoral level, he also Co-Founded the HI-STEP® Summer Social Skills Program. He is co-author of publications and books including The Behavior Problems Resource Kit: Forms and Procedures for Identification, Measurement and Intervention, The Social Skills Curriculum, POWER-Solving®: Stepping Stones to Solving Life’s Everyday Social Problems, and a book chapter “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy” in A. G. Dempsey’s (Ed.) book, Pediatric Health Conditions in Schools: A Clinician’s Guide for Working with Children, Families, and Educators. He has extensive experience evaluating and treating children, teens and adults, and consulting with school districts and private schools. A sought-after speaker, he has led workshops at local, statewide, national, and international conferences.
2 Free NJDOE PD Credits are available for NJ Educators attending this workshop.