Momentum® Transition at GPA is a unique special education transition program for students with disabilities, designed to provide them with concrete skills for jobs and college, and a toolbox of individualized strategies to help them achieve real independence, and to rebound from life’s unexpected challenges and disappointments.

Transition is About More than College and Career

Making a successful leap from high school to adult life can be difficult, particularly for students with a history of learning, social, emotional and behavioral challenges.

While most transition programs focus on job and college-readiness skills, Momentum@Garfield Park Academy does that and more. One student at time, we prepare our graduates for life.

Designed around the needs of students aged 14-21 who have social, learning and behavioral disabilities, Momentum@ Garfield Park Academy prepares young people for a future they can look forward to.

• Download the Momentum Transition Program Brochure now.

• Download a Transition Checklist for Parents and School Districts considering transition programs and placement.

With a strong emphasis on resiliency and self-direction, students learn 21st Century Skills for Life and Career:

    • Critical Thinking
    • Collaboration, Teamwork and Leadership
    • Personal Financial Literacy
  • Self-awareness
  • Self regulation and Stress control
  • Conflict resolution
  • Personal value development
  • Confidence and Optimism
  • Future-oriented motivation
  • Persistence and “Grit”

Clinical Services

Momentum offers effective, evidence-based support services including:

  • Intensive individual counseling
  • Daily group counseling
  • Family counseling
  • Stress management
  • Clinical social work services
  • Neuro/biofeedback
  • Psychiatric interventions

Garfield Park Academy uses The Teaching-Family Model, an internationally recognized, data based cognitive behavioral approach that is student-centered, and emphasizes self-determination.

Student working on cosmetology skills at Garfield Park AcademyREAL Job Skills

Our New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education-certified vocational programs are some of the most successful in the state. We offer instruction to foster independent daily living, travel, and provide cooperative work experiences at local businesses, including:

  • Auto mechanics
  • Culinary arts
  • Cosmetology
  • Horticulture
  • Carpentry
  • Retail and business education

GPA student working in the communityAcademic Preparation for the Future

Our challenging academic curriculum and state-of-the-art science lab and educational technologies engage students through hands-on learning. Our connections with community colleges allow students to learn on a college campus – with all necessary supports – building skills and confidence and setting them on a path for success. Research shows that students who take college courses while in high school have greater success when they graduate.

Connections and Linkages

Momentum Transition at Garfield Park Academy provides vital community connections with the local resources students needs for success beyond graduation.

Community Connections include:

  • Burlington County College
  • CamWorks, on site training programs
  • Arc Burlington, Arc Camden
  • Military Service

Students graduate with job skills, study skills and connections, they learn the self-esteem, self-reliance and self-confidence needed to solve problems, communicate effectively, and flourish.