Holiday Offerings from Our Horticulture Program
Order your holiday decorations now. To place your order please email Dave Hamilton at
2021 Graduation Ceremonies
Congratulations to all our 2021 graduates. On June 15th, GPA held graduation ceremonies for our 2021 8th Grade and 12th Grade graduates, IN PERSON! We were so glad to be together again, live, for these important events, and wish our graduates the best of luck going forward. Below on this page are videos of the [...]
Upcoming Institute Workshop
The Training Institute at Garfield Park Academy presents a Free Virtual Workshop Trauma-Informed Transition Planning for Youth with Mental Health Challenges Friday, June 4, 2021 • 9:30 – 11:30 AM Featuring Kathleen Redpath-Perez, Esq. Managing Attorney of the Employment Team at Disability Rights New Jersey Hutokhsi (Huti) Cooper, MSW, LCSW Social Worker, Garfield Park Academy [...]
Standing Proudly for Racial Equality and Justice
GPA will not tolerate racism. We stand proudly with our students and staff to continue the peaceful struggle for equality, and the creation of a world not just absent racial tension, but of real justice for all.
GPA is Reaccredited by the Teaching Family Association
Garfield Park Academy was reaccredited by the Teaching Family Association recently.
FREE Workshop – Mindfulness in the Classroom – Dec. 6, 2019
Dr. Ange Puig will help educators identify stress responses, and describe practical strategies to help students use mindful practices to strengthen attention, increase compassion, and build resilience and self-regulation, moving them from “coping” to “thriving.”
GPA 2019 Graduation
GPA 2019 Graduation - We are so proud of our 2019 graduates! Congratulations to all. Please enjoy the photo gallery below from our graduation ceremonies.
GPA Elementary Science Fair
GPA Elementary students participated in a Science Fair today, celebrating and sharing what they learned about plant structures, the life cycles of plants, and more. Slide presentation included.
GPA Staff Nominated for ASAH’s 2019 Educator Awards
Congratulations to Garfield Park Academy staff members Michelle O'Connell, Nastassia Lane, and Brittany Harmening. They've been nominated by Garfield Park Academy for ASAH's 2019 Educator Awards.
Master Chef Joseph Poon Visits GPA
Master Chef Joseph Poon recently returned to Garfield Park Academy's teaching kitchen to deliver another of his beloved presentations for our students. Chef Poon's culinary demonstrations are energetic, funny and chock full of fascinating storytelling from his life, work and worldwide travels. At the same time, Chef Poon impresses upon students the importance of [...]