GPA News and Events

GPA News and Events2022-10-18T11:57:42-04:00

Mental Health Supports All Day, Every Day

School counselors are often the first to see children who are sick, stressed, or traumatized, or who may act out or hurt themselves or others. That's why at GPA there is a social worker IN EVERY CLASSROOM. Their office is physically located INSIDE the classroom

The Wonder Girls® Comes to GPA

Girls need mentors and empowerment to become future leaders! Garfield Park Academy has partnered with The Wonder Girls® to help young women (grades 7-12) develop confidence, self-esteem, leadership skills, and problem solving skills.

Therapeutic Training Program: Resilience through Trauma-Sensitive Weight Training

Students are finding mental resilience while building physical strength in Garfield Park Academy’s Therapeutic Training Program (TTP). The program builds on research that uses resistance training and mindfulness to support healing and resilience for those who have experienced trauma. Resistance training—using weights such as barbells, dumbbells, and weight machines—stresses muscles and causes them to adapt by getting stronger, similar to the way aerobic conditioning strengthens the heart.

Building the Future

Our lower school wing is open! This fall, Garfield Park Academy cut the ribbon on a new Elementary School wing, adding two classrooms and an expanded multipurpose room/gym to be used exclusively by younger students. A separate entranceway now creates a safe and nurturing welcome to each school day.

Upcoming Institute Workshop

The Training Institute at Garfield Park Academy presents a Free Virtual Workshop Trauma-Informed Transition Planning for Youth with Mental Health Challenges Friday, June 4, 2021 • 9:30 – 11:30 AM Featuring Kathleen Redpath-Perez, Esq. Managing Attorney of the Employment Team at Disability Rights New Jersey Hutokhsi (Huti) Cooper, MSW, LCSW Social Worker, Garfield Park Academy [...]

May 21st, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|
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