Executive Function: It is rarely taught, but is the foundation for learning, planning, and carrying out complex tasks. It allows us to regulate thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Encompassing skills such as attentional control, working memory, cognitive flexibility, and impulse regulation, executive function has a vital role in shaping academic achievement, social competence, and life outcomes.

Last winter, Michael Delman, M.Ed., author, consultant, educator, and pioneer in the area of executive function coaching, was guest speaker at The Training Institute at Garfield Park Academy. Speaking to a virtual crowd of more than 170 educators, he offered a comprehensive framework for understanding and nurturing executive function skills in students of all ages.

“Students impacted by trauma often struggle with executive function deficits due to the effects of chronic stress on the developing brain. They find it difficult to regulate emotions, manage impulses, and stay focused on tasks. This is precisely why we teach executive function skills.”
– Kerrie Morse, Director of Garfield Park Academy.

Research shows that executive function can be enhanced through targeted interventions and direct instruction. By providing students with opportunities to engage in activities that challenge their cognitive abilities, educators at Garfield Park Academy promote the development of robust executive function skills essential for success in school and life.